Kartik Dahiya

Kartik Dahiya

Industrial Designer

As a Designer, I harbour an innate curiosity for the world of tangible objects, driven by their capacity to not only serve a purpose and fulfill a function but to truly solve a problem. My design philosophy revolves around delving into the intricacies of human behaviour and understanding their interactions with everyday objects.

My professional journey as an Industrial Designer began about a year ago, where I had the privilege to contribute my skills at Mark Douglass Design Studio in Kensington. Within this dynamic environment, I collaborated closely with a talented team of designers and skilled glass blowers to craft custom, one-of-a-kind lighting designs.

My academic pursuits have also played a pivotal role in shaping my design perspective. I earned a Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) from Monash University in 2022, a journey during which I explored the implications and importance of societal acceptability of Autonomous Technology for self-driving vehicles.

To learn more about my professional background, please feel free to download my comprehensive CV by clicking here.