Level (Kettle Flask)

Level is a Kettle-Flask, a bridge which connects heating water and pouring; performed by users around the kitchen. The Flask is designed in special consideration to support elderly suffering from Parkinson Disease. Level targets to challenge the hand-tremors experienced by people suffering from Parkinson disease which limit their ability to do certain tasks around the house. Level offers elderly the independence they need and deserve.

The Problem?

The Problem?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. This restricts many people in multiple ways in their day to day life in relation to product use. An everyday simple task can seem like a chore to many users with the effects of parkinson’s. Product design here was used to challenge these already existing design to create products which make these tasks approachable and possible for all.

01. Exploration

02. Final 3 Concepts

03. Level Kettle Flask

The final concept aims to give user control over their pouring when faced with tremors and unsteady hands due to Parkinson’s disease. The kettle-flask, as the name suggests is a flask combined with kettle. The content full flask can be placed into a tipping kettle which allows user to heat the content inside via the walls of the tipping kettle. After the heating cycle, the flask top can be removed and the content can be poured into a desired container without lifting or picking up. The design eliminates few of the user touchpoints - lifting & pouring by providing tipping support for steady pouring as to avoid spillage.

04. Storyboard

05. Final Design

The final design was further developed to have an heating element which sits at the base of the flask. While the tipping kettle acts as the power source; the current can be induced when the flask is connected to the kettle for safe heating of the content.

Final Design - exploded view showing all the elements of the Level (Kettle Flask).


Universal Window